Jun 13, 2013

BMC Alert: Ayala Mountaineering Club Inc. (AMCI)

Found the time to clean up my Bundokaholics email and I came across this days-old invite from one of the country's leading mountaineering group. For newbies out there, this is the month when most of the prominent groups are holding training courses in mountaineering... so I hereby christen June as BMC month.

Did you miss the Orientation Night last June 5? Don't worry! It's not yet too late to joinAMCI and live for adventure! AMCI Mountaineering Club, Inc.invites you to attend AMCI's Diagnostics Day on June 16 (Sunday), 6AM, at Valero Carpark, Valero St., Salcedo Village, Makati City. For map and directions, click here.

Prepare for warm-up exercises, a 1.6 kilometer run, strength exercises, and stretching. A bonding activity will also take place, so be sure to have some left-over creative energy after your diagnostics. Come in your athletic attire. Bring a change of clothes, water (or your preferred sports drink) and some snacks. You may also want to bring sunblock, an exercise mat, and your friends!

For more info, please visit our website. Share this email to your friends who might be interested.

I don't specifically endorse them nor vouch for their group's performance and skills in BMC training, but as newbies who wishes to embark on a never-looking-back journey of becoming one of the country's top hikers... it is necessary to have a BMC training from established groups just like AMCI.

Goodluck to all aspiring mountaineers!